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Classroom Set-up

I'm finally back in the building! Not unlike every other year, I have spent a few agonizing moments trying to come up with an idea or two for a comfortable classroom arrangement. Generally, I like to group my children in ways that help facilitate collaboration. My still partially packed classroom offers up no inspiration. Sometimes I trick myself into believing that I will wait until the first day of school and let the students decide on a theme. Then, I tell myself that I will let the exiting class of students choose for the next year. Neither of those has ever actually happened! So here I am, looking at these wall wondering what will capture my students' imaginations and inspire them to become avid readers and profound thinkers. I always try to think of ideas that are fresh and relevant so that my students are excited about being in this space with me for 3 1/2 hours each day. I look through magazines, books, blogs, children's television stations, you name it, se...
Recent posts

10 First Day Read Alouds

The first day of school is critical to setting the stage for a successful year. Along with that, reading to children is one of the best things we as educators can do for students. Studies have shown that reading aloud increases a child's vocabulary. Listening comprehension must be in place in order for children to thrive in the learning environments (Trelease 2013). Reading aloud is a sure-fire way to develop listening comprehension. Over the years, I've used several books to set the tone for our room and engage students with stories. I have compiled a list of a few of my favorites. They have proven to be a great tool when beginning a new school year. Not only that, but also for later in the year when they can be revisited for deeper analysis and discussion. Feel free to view the document here: 10 Read Alouds for the First Day Happy reading! What are some of your favorite first day read alouds? I'd love to hear from you. Follow Hoottastic and comment below...

So my daughter is going to college!! Yikes!!! A Mother's Separation Anxiety

Today is the official send off party that the university is hosting for incoming freshmen from our area. Sigh. Being that I totally lost it on graduation day and on her 18th birthday, I'm sure move in day (exactly 1 week, 6 days, and 29 minutes from now) will be yet another emotional breakdown for me. When my daughter was born, I had hopes and dreams for her upbringing, education, and her future. Now that the years have slipped by, I wonder if I've done enough. Does she know I love her? Does she really know Christ? Does she know how to take care of herself without me? Is she able to be a productive, contributing, difference-making member of society? These things keep me up when I should be sleeping! As I sit and look at my daughter who is currently engaged in some profound ;) conversation with her friends on Kik, I see that she is happy. Thinking back on how she helps me take care of her younger sisters and all the conversations we have had on the way to and from her various ...

Lap Books!

Savvy Sentences and Perky Punctuation Lap books are a fun and creative way for students to interact with material they are learning. According to Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, learners remember 70% of what they say , and write , and 90% of what they do as they perform a task (Dale, 1946). To that end, interactive lap books that allow students to manipulate materials directly connected to the learning will increase their rate of retention. A quick internet search gives you hundreds of ideas on how to incorporate lapbooks into your curriculum as well as endless possibilities of what to include in them. Here are a few that I have created for use in my classroom. Savvy Sentences and Perky Punctuation This interactive lapbook allows for endless practice with creating the various types of sentences. The pocket holds sample sentence cards for students to self-assess. 50 States Interactive Book 50 States Interactive Book : This is a hands on approach to learning the ...

Back to School 2014-2015!

As the summer draws to a close, I find myself brimming with excitement for a new year of learning! To channel that energy, I've been working on a "Back to School To Do List" that will help me focus on my goals for the year to come. I've set some interesting and challenging goals for myself this year, but they are designed to help me improve my teaching. What goals and ideas are on your To-Do List for the new school year? I'd love to hear from you!