I'm finally back in the building! Not unlike every other year, I have spent a few agonizing moments trying to come up with an idea or two for a comfortable classroom arrangement. Generally, I like to group my children in ways that help facilitate collaboration. My still partially packed classroom offers up no inspiration. Sometimes I trick myself into believing that I will wait until the first day of school and let the students decide on a theme. Then, I tell myself that I will let the exiting class of students choose for the next year. Neither of those has ever actually happened! So here I am, looking at these wall wondering what will capture my students' imaginations and inspire them to become avid readers and profound thinkers. I always try to think of ideas that are fresh and relevant so that my students are excited about being in this space with me for 3 1/2 hours each day. I look through magazines, books, blogs, children's television stations, you name it, se...
The first day of school is critical to setting the stage for a successful year. Along with that, reading to children is one of the best things we as educators can do for students. Studies have shown that reading aloud increases a child's vocabulary. Listening comprehension must be in place in order for children to thrive in the learning environments (Trelease 2013). Reading aloud is a sure-fire way to develop listening comprehension. Over the years, I've used several books to set the tone for our room and engage students with stories. I have compiled a list of a few of my favorites. They have proven to be a great tool when beginning a new school year. Not only that, but also for later in the year when they can be revisited for deeper analysis and discussion. Feel free to view the document here: 10 Read Alouds for the First Day Happy reading! What are some of your favorite first day read alouds? I'd love to hear from you. Follow Hoottastic and comment below...