Savvy Sentences and Perky Punctuation Lap books are a fun and creative way for students to interact with material they are learning. According to Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience, learners remember 70% of what they say , and write , and 90% of what they do as they perform a task (Dale, 1946). To that end, interactive lap books that allow students to manipulate materials directly connected to the learning will increase their rate of retention. A quick internet search gives you hundreds of ideas on how to incorporate lapbooks into your curriculum as well as endless possibilities of what to include in them. Here are a few that I have created for use in my classroom. Savvy Sentences and Perky Punctuation This interactive lapbook allows for endless practice with creating the various types of sentences. The pocket holds sample sentence cards for students to self-assess. 50 States Interactive Book 50 States Interactive Book : This is a hands on approach to learning the ...